Cryptocurrency prices can change drastically by the minute, so it's important to have an easy way to compare cryptocurrencies using the most up-to-date exchange rates available. CryptoConvert is a cryptocurrency calculator that allows you to directly compare the values of 800+ cryptocurrencies and 150+ fiat currencies to eachother. Convert the currency exchange rates in either a 1-to-1 mode or a 1-to-many mode using your list of favorite currencies!
Easily convert BTC to USD or any other cryptocurrency to fiat conversion you need.
Convert any supported cryptocurrency to another.
CryptoConvert supports fiat to fiat conversions like dollar to euro, yen, and more!
★ CryptoConvert Pro is the
on the Amazon App Store, and in the
Try it out and see why! ★
like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple
from around the world like the Dollar, Yen, Peso, Rupee, and more
for quick access
Traveling abroad on airplane mode? Exchange rates are cached locally so if you don't have internet you can still use the app based on the last-known exchange rates for all currencies
to calculate many conversions at once
for all supported cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies
of available currencies! Bitcoin to USD, Bitcoin to Ethereum, Euro to Litecoin, Peso to Yen, and more!
exchange rates at any time to make sure you have the most up-to-date conversions
based on modern material design
- the newest currency exchange rates are fetched within seconds
Want more features like the ability to set defaults for the app and to remove all advertisements? Download CryptoConvert Pro for only $0.99 USD!
Currency price data provided by Cryptocurrency Market Data API.
All data and information is provided “as is” - CryptoConvert cannot completely guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates using your chosen exchange before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates. CryptoConvert shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, defects, delays, or interruptions of such data. CryptoConvert will not be liable for any damages relating to your use of the information provided herein.
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